eBay seller Hub


Online selling seems so convenient, doesn’t it? We don’t often realize that a lot goes into it other than the simple buying and selling action. There are loads of sales data, performance reports, customer reviews, and feedback. In short, so much data and so little time. One solution could be the eBay seller hub. It is an all-in-one tool that can take your business to new heights. We’ll be talking about it in depth.

Ebay Seller Hub- A General Idea

The eBay seller hub is an organiser-cum-manager for your sales. All your sales info gets compiled here for you to access and understand. You can use this to improve your listings, 

get more customers, and manage the existing ones better.

Features And Tools Of EBay Seller Hub

The seller hub provides detailed info on your sales, orders, and listings. It helps you manage your business much better and increase your productivity. Here are some of its tools:

Orders Tab

Under this tab, you can see received orders, print shipping labels, and upload shipment status for the buyer’s convenience. You can also look at past orders, check in-transit orders, and reprint shipping labels in case of an error. Orders get organized and sent out effectively here.

Listing Options

This tab helps you manage your existing listings and add new ones. You can list a particular product as ‘bulk’ or ‘individual’ to suit your needs. If you sell a lot of one kind of product, then use the templates available to save time and increase productivity.

For example, say you sell a lot of face creams, but not all the same brand. You can choose a template to write your listings, return parameters, and shipping profiles. You can do this because all face creams will have most of their description in common. This will save you a lot of time and increase productivity.

Performance analysis

You can get detailed data about the amount of traffic your site attracts, the country of origin of your buyers, and how profitable you are. All this data helps you analyze your store better and make corrective changes to boost sales and improve your listings in user searches.

Research Tools

The eBay seller hub has great research options that let you know when to restock, how to improve your listings, and how good your pricing is. It can also tell you about gaps and weaknesses your store might have.


You can pay a monthly charge of $15.99 and have the selling manager pro. This will give you additional features like restock alerts, inventory management, and designer listing templates. EBay also charges a nominal fee for you to sell there.


When selling to many customers, miscommunication or confusion about payments can be a huge threat. Lucky for you, the payments tab helps you get the transaction info and resolve conflicts on orders. You can also know how much you made from sales this year.

Also Read: GMass extension can make email marketing easy for you. 

Benefits Of Using EBay Seller Hub

The eBay seller hub is hassle-free and easy to use. You can get detailed info on the health and success of your business. It allows you to drop ship, which means you can ship directly to wholesale suppliers without worrying about transit damage. Here are some of the best things about using eBay:

      1. Large existing customer base

The customer base of eBay is 150 million, which is huge for any online selling platform. This allows you to network with sellers and avoid common online selling problems. A wide customer base also means more consumers and, thus, more sales.

     2. Keyword Listing

You can search for a keyword and see how your store ranks for it. And you need to work on your listings if you’re not ranking in the search results. You must also keep an eye on your competitor’s listings and receive guidance to upgrade your listings.

     3. Seller Level

There are 3 seller levels on eBay. Your seller level determines your listings, and they are:

  • Below Standard

                    EBay considers you below average when you have a transactional defect of more than 2%. Maybe you’re not responding to your customers in the best way or handling conflicts with the wrong approach. This label is not good for your sales.

  • Above Standard

                       When you’re maintaining steady sales and handling customer feedback and queries well, you come in the moderate category and are above standard. You need to work on improving your sales to improve your label.

  •    Top Rated

                       If your store makes more than 100 transactions per year, you come in the top-rated category. But this alone isn’t enough. You have to provide the best customer service and resolve conflicts to keep this label. This gets you listed at the top of search results, making you likely to get more buyers.

Final Words

The e-commerce industry is an $870 billion industry in the US alone. Online selling, thus, is a huge money maker today. But, you must be careful about shipping costs, customer reviews, and, most importantly, the product you’re selling. When you have this much to do, taking advantage of an already established platform for online sales, like the eBay seller hub, is wise. This will allow you to keep your existing customers, get new ones and scale your business profitably.

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